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Muthi to MarketMUTHI to MARKET

What is Materia Medica?

Materia Medica is a Latin term defining a historical collection of knowledge for the therapeutic properties of any plant or substance known for its healing properties.

Strict herbal quality control

Quality testing of herbal raw materials protects against substitution, adulteration and poor quality alternatives.

Evidence based herbal medicine

Herbal medicine built on botanical science and technology.

Out performing competitors

A product supported by claims proven to deliver. Using the correct herb at the correct dosage level, using clinically proven support, builds a superior product.

Who Are We?

Materia Medica (Pty) Ltd. assists clients in formulating evidence based herbal medicine for the Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) market. We have the skills to develop clinically substantiated herbal products, with comprehensive scientific support, in order to assist clients with applications for the registration of CAM products - from MUTHI to MARKET.

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